En 中文
15/10 2020

New smart cities: supported by global experience.

HC Russtroyconsulting referred to the practices of world-class experts during elaboration of the New City project.


In the course of implementing the New City 2025 project (Vladivostok) and at the invitation of InvestHK, representatives of HC Russtroyconsulting took part in The Connected Cities Conference that was held as part of Startmeup HK Festival, the largest event in the world related to problems and practical aspects of implementing Smart City projects.


It is the first experience of this kind, both for one of the best-known conferences in the field and for Russtroyconsulting. Dmitry Evtin, the company’s Investment Department Manager, noted:


“Possibly, the pandemic unintentionally encouraged the onset of the new main site for implementation of international projects. Smart Cities (or New Cities) projects are almost impossible to qualitatively execute by efforts of one individual country, and it involves not only technological, but also fundamental economic restrictions; basically, the lack of trans-border cooperation reduces the project’s potential investment attractiveness to zero. Smart City includes inventions, design, new technologies, whole chains of projects, trade operations, service contracts, etc.; any kind of restrictions will inevitably entail material and predictable losses. For this reason, it is impossible not to welcome projects aimed at development of the international integration. I won’t hide that we were able to deliver our proposals to some potential investors. It is too early to talk about any progress so far, but in general, I am satisfied with the conference work”.


Investor’s Information.


Startmeup HK

The initiative of InvestHK (investment agency of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC; HC Russtroyconsulting has been cooperating with the Agency for a long time) aimed at support of innovative and scaled-up startups – in particular, in acquiring access to the Hong Kong venture capital market that is considered one of the largest in the world.


The Connected Cities Conference

The traditional conference dedicated to innovations in the context of the contemporary urban infrastructure – was held online for the first time in 2020. It limited communication possibilities in some degree, but at the same time considerably expanded the audience of the event, including the Conference speakers – representatives of companies that realized the largest New Cities of our time in the world. In particular: Raffles City in Singapore, Incheon City in South Korea, Masdar City in the UAE; and also the Delhi–Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project, which would be better to call the city cluster, since in fact, the project involves construction of a system of New Cities integrated by the use of latest achievements in the areas of transportation, communication, finance and social technology.


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