We integrate resources and scale up competencies since we seek to be forward-looking and not just be in line with modern trends. “Engineering Consulting Company”, set up in 1995, the very first company of the “Russtroyconsulting” group, initially specialized in project engineering and business evaluation.
Over time, the company's accumulated expertise, huge work experience and the desire for synergy of various activities enabled us to develop several large projects of regional, national and even international scale.
Over 22 years of work “Engineering Consulting Company” has been repeatedly honored with awards and diplomas of Russian and world rating agencies. We carried out more than 700 projects, which built more than 1500 objects - from Moscow to Kamchatka and from Primorye to Yakutia. We work successfully at international projects with foreign customers who are particularly sensitive to company’s professional reputation. In 2014 we joined the IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) - in the Far East only two companies – the FESCO group and “Engineering Consulting Company” – were awarded with such a membership.
When our positions in the field of business consulting got stronger, we felt the need to create the "Russtroyconsalting" Holding Company in 2007. The key task of the new company was to expand the range of consulting services - so, we offered the market the investment consulting formats of demand, including cross-border and cluster projects. There was also a completely new direction of "Communications & Media" - however, the real tasks of the subdivisions of this direction turned out to be much wider and cover the issues of strategic planning, information support and B2B communication tools. In addition, the "Russtroyconsulting” HC consolidates shares in the authorized capital of enterprises belonging to the holding company and exercises the functions of a management company.
We continued to work at the interface of engineering and consulting, expanding competencies for industry projects - car factories, port, transport and logistics complexes, as well as urban development projects, up to territorial planning.
At some point we managed to find a universal common ground between everything that has ever been created by our efforts. Since that time, Russtroyconsulting has found a mission - we see our goal in creating a global integrated strategy for the promotion of territories, uniting the resources of business, society and government within a single sphere of responsibility.
As a result, several companies, which were originally separate subdivisions of the parent company, joined the holding company, but by now they have grown into independent business units.
In 2013, we created the Foundation for the Promotion of Integrated Development and Territory Branding - the initiator of socially significant projects, some of which managed to reach the international level; the organizer of events implemented under the support of the general mission of Russtroyconsulting or in conjunction with the projects of other group companies. The Foundation is a kind of "socially responsible core" that develops promising social and socially significant projects in the interests of the company and society as a whole.
In 2016, the holding company included the film company «The Sea Wolf. Creation of film stories», which became known through the documentary films «Normandie - Niémen. Monologue» and «The Principle of Coubertin»; online media «Brand Journal», which united famous authors with the theme of territory branding; communication and event agency «Congress Bureau.RU»; as well as technical gaming operator «Igropolis», the flagship and the developer of the concept and individual programs of the innovative tourist cluster «Ecoterra».
Today, Russtroyconsulting includes six commercial enterprises:
- Holding company «Russtroyconsulting» LLC;
- «Engineering Consulting Company» LLC;
- «The Sea Wolf. Creation of film stories» LLC;
- «Brand Journal» LLC;
- «Congress Bureau. RU» LLC;
- «Igropolis» LLC.
... as well as two non-profit organizations:
- The Foundation for Integrated Development and Territory Branding;
- The Association of participants of the tourist cluster «Ecoterra».
Different outwardly, all the companies of the holding company work for the sake of a single goal - to make the business of our customers and the surrounding world more perfect.