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By request of Suchan-Coal, LLC specialists of Russtroykonsalting providing consulting services reconstruction of main resources and production activities of the “Central” mine of Partizansk (Primorye region).

Built in 1916, the “Central” mine gave about 380 thousands of tons of high-quality coal at peak performance which went to the consumer without enrichment. Due to the restructuring of coal industry in the 90-s of the 20th century, the mine was closed. At the moment of closure  in 2004 “Central” mine supplied with work more than 400   employees.

Today “Suchan-Coal” is reviving the mine on technically high levels. Russtroyconsulting conducts an audit of technical documentation, carries on the  preparation of project and works on recruiting of  foreign investors.

At this moment the customer is getting ready to sign the agreement, which will give the status of the Resident of Vladivostok free port to the enterprise. The Corporation of Far East Development gave positive conclusion on this project.




Suchan-Coal, LLC

The key problem posed by the customer is to organize the long term business strategy on this investment project.


Our specialists carried out the analysis of initial data particularly they audited customer’s technical documentation. We worked out the team approach that included business strategy and actual business model, which saturated state preferences for the Far East socially significant business. We prepared a set of documents for “Suchan-Coal” to get the status of the Resident of Vladivostok free port . Special attention was also paid to the set of documents assigned for the work with potential investors.

Main task for Russtroyconsulting experts was customer’s support while getting the status of the Resident of Vladivostok free port. The following tasks were done:

  1. Technical documentation was being audited from the 25th of March till the 25th of April. The information given by the customer was studied for its urgency and amenity in development of conception, feasibility study and project documentation. Recommendation development was carried out collaterally with the audit; we processed incoming information in real time. Russtroyconsulting created the investment and financial model of the project, taking into account specific character of modern legislation and benefits of special economic mechanisms such as ADT, VFP, FEZ etc.
  2. We worked out the project’s business model and prepared the set of documents to receive the status of the Resident of Vladivostok free port. This stage was successfully closed on the 15th of June 2017.

We advised the customer on filing of the application to Far East Development Corporation and coordinated the cooperation of participants.


The client received positive conclusion of Far East Development corporation on the project and is about to become a VFP member. In near future Russtroyconsulting will represent project to potential investors. In future Suchan -Coal, LLC will become anchor resident of planning industrial cluster.




Industrial cluster “Suchan-Coal” is among the priorities of Hong Kong

Accompanied by Russtroyconsulting  and Engineering Consulting Company, the industrial cluster project Suchan-Coal has become one of the priority foreign investment projects of Hong Kong.

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